“Trainings and Activities 2009”
In 2009, the “Milk Sap”, Bakery & Pastry, Cook
tailor made trainings for unemployed economically disadvantaged rural women and
“Establishing Business groups, Developing business plan, Literacy courses for
illiterate rural women were conducted in Baga Nuur district, Bogd soum, Bayan
Khongor aimag and Nariin Teel soum, Uvurkhangai aimags. Trainings involved
about 200 women age of 18-60. Furthermore, the same training trainings provided
in Baruunburen soum, Selenge aimag involving 80 over women participants.
“Treasure of the historical heritage of the
Procurement contract number 05/09 on the required
equipment for developing the laboratory for history and geography, concluded
between Ms. Enkhtaivan.B, Exective director of the FERW and Ms. Oyungerel.D,
director of the secondary school of Great Bogd region, Bogd soum of
Bayankhongor aimag. on 08 June 2009 made it effective. The items listed in the
attachment were procured by 15 August, prior the academic year 2009-2010. The
opening ceremony of the laboratory for history and geography was held in
September 2009 with representatives of Veneto Region, Italy.
“Women and Children should not suffer from
violence” -Talk Show Project
“Rural Women Business Development”
In 2009 by repeated number 63 business groups and 296 members are working. In
total credit of 77.800.000 tugrug or $ 55.570 US issued to business groups in
2009. By repeated record, 143 business groups, 188 women accessed the credit in
Bogd soum business groups since the project implementation Since the start of
the micro-credit project has been working successfully and expanding its’ scope
and scale. It was introduced in to 3 sums of Bayankhongor aimag and 1 soum in
Selenge aimag. Skill building and needs based trainings and consultancies and
informal meeting were provided to assist the new business groups to successively
run their business activities. Businesses in Bogd, Bayanlig, Bayangovi soum are
strengthening and continuing with the success.
Purpose of the project
By granting uncolletral credit for women with low level income and female headed households, the project aims at increasing their family income and raising their self confidence.
Credit specification
• No collateral
• Small amount
• Community members guaranty each other
• Small payoff /repayment
Project Participants
• Only in 2009, 120 women accessed the credit and 24.2 percent of them were herdsmen, 15.8 percent of them were unemployed low-income women. Eleven new jobs were created in soum as result of the business activities this year.
Our Achievements
• Number of Women involved in micro loan project doubled and businesses are getting more diverse.
• Access to e-banking
• More new businesses introduced to the community.
• Improved awareness on benefit of micro credit among community members
• Real changes in everyday life of community members started to appear
• Over 3300 women have been trained and over 2000 women and teenagers gone under medical check-up from 40 soums of 2 aimags. We have analysed carefully targeted places using updated questionnaire and interview methods that are used for AIDS awareness trainings and promotion.
• We have selected appropriate methods for the trainings based on the Project objectives and content. The interest and participation of learners were sustained, because we have provided by mixing method of lecture, lesson, small group discussions, delivering and evaluating presentations, brochures, condoms also have provided by medical services and individual consults women in need.
• For clarification, to reach more local people and into the public first we’ve conducted trainings to the hospitals and government officials so they – as being local and knowing their population – can reach to public more. Even though, we’ve conducted trainings 3 to 4 times in each soum, still there were issues for not including or not reaching for more remote population of the aimags. Therefore, by training local doctors and government officials, they can reach to the remote areas as much as possible.
• Even though, all the broadcastings were done and informed through TV, radio, NGOs, local governments and etc information about HIV/AIDS has not reached to the public carefully or it alarmed them faultily. For that reason, by reaching them by ourselves and conducting trainings, conversing, explaining and distributing booklets have helped the participants greatly to understand about this issue and express their ideas, asking questions and changing their misunderstanding.
• During our discussion with the local doctors, they have expressed their concern on the sexual health of the population due to the shyness, misunderstanding, living condition and not enough check-ups. Therefore, we think this information and some issues have to been raised from what we concluded in the first half of the Project and reflected in brochure.
• We’ve distributed questioner to the participants at the end of the each training in order to know the change of the knowledge and understanding of the AIDS/HIV from participants which was successful and helped a lot in the end of the project.
• During the medical check-up we’ve not encountered any AIDS case though STD have been quite frequent. The reasons were mostly environmentally impacted such as remote, cold condition and nomad style. Those who had STD, we have advised face-to-face, singular with professional help.
• Even though, we’ve not encountered any case of HIV, the rural population’s knowledge, information about HIV/AIDS was very limited and wrong. Therefore, we consider that these kinds of Projects are in need to be implemented in more aimags and distribution of the brochure, handouts are necessary. Therefore, FERW is trying to distribute the brochure to other project areas which requires some funding at the same time
For implementation of kindergarten improvement project, the micro-credit project transferred 1260000 tug rug or $900 US after bank transfer fee. Using the funding, the kindergarten manager procured out-doors toys. The kindergarten management successfully implemented mobile kindergarten and supplement bakery and supporting livestock business. Income earned from small supporting businesses, used for procurement of tables and chairs for classes.
The Foundation for the Empowerment of
Rural Women /FERW/ has successfully organized the “Women and Children should
not suffer from violence” Television Talk Show program and Workshop against
domestic violence in cooperation with aimag’s (provincial) governors and
administrative organizations, local women’s NGO branches from February to June
2006 with support of Mama Cash, the Netherlands.
Five workshops and half and hour TV Talk-shows are organized different regions
including Gobi-Altai, Dornogobi, Dornod, Khuvsgul and Gobi Sumber aimags
involving over 125 local aimag people. Implementation of TV Talk Show “Women
and Children should not suffer from violence” had the following objectives :
- Improve
active participation of rural public and women and children to open and
free debates and discussions on issues of violence against women and
- Encourage
rural TV stations to start and expand further their coverage on gender –
based violence;
- Offer
an opportunity for rural TV professionals to enhance their skills on
professional coverage of violence related issue and its causes and
- Build
capacity for rural branches of FERW and local lawyers to work as local
experts on increasing public prevention and respond to violence against
women and children;
- Promote
public understanding on laws and legislations’ fair administration of
justice through involving local lawyers; and
- Promote
close cooperation of local governments, media rural and violence against
groups in fighting against violence.
Mongolian Womens’ NGOs
and Local Governors and Journalists are highly appreciated and contributed
significantly in the implementation of the television Talk Show program &
workshop against domestic violence.
--------------------------------------“Rural Women Business Development”
The primary objective of the “Rural
Women-Business Development” is to create, increase and sustain income
generation, small community development and maintain business groups. The
groups formed during the business trainings will use their skills to produce
dairy food for schools and the local community through small outlets. The project
seeks to reduce poverty by working with economically disadvantaged rural women
to create and sustain extra income opportunities and long-term business
In 2009 the project activity carried out
Baruun buren soum of Selenge aimag. Project participants worked successfully in
transferring and dissemination of their knowledge and skills to other rural
women living in isolated remote areas herding after cattle. It made a real
difference in improving livelihood of rural women in this area. Furthermore,
they started to use skimmed milk that thrown out before as waste before the
training. They started to consume various products in everyday use in their
households and improved nutrition of the food. Accordingly, they stopped buying
bakery products from other places. In broader context, implementation of the
current project contributed to achieving one the objectives of our
organization-improving livelihood of rural women encouraging them working in a
group. For sustaining results achieved from the project, the FERW decided to
expand its’ micro credit project and introduce it among newly established
business groups of the Baruun buren soum.
Accessing the credit
with collateral is the only way to strengthen their business activities and
encouraging them work as a group. In 2006-2007 involved women of Erdenemandal
,Battsengel soums of Arkhangai aimag and Zuunkhangai, Undurkhangai soums of Uvs
aimag. In 2007-2008, Esunbulag, Sharga soums of Govi-Altai aimag, Baganuur and
Darkhan Uul aimags involved in the project. The project is funded by Asian
Development Bank and Cabsaf, Australia, ASDP and with support of the
beneficiaries Tailor-made training programs were developed and delivered in the
following areas:
• Felt Making training;
• ‘Milk Sap’: Dairy processing training;
• Marketing and Small Business Skills;
• How to start a community group or credit / savings cooperative;
• Strengthening Community Groups.
Target groups were women herders, unemployed women from rural soums. The
participants who attended marketing, business development and small groups /
savings and credit cooperative trainings had to enrol Milk Sap or Felt products
training, or ASDP vegetable growing training. The current method of
organization the trainings enabled participants not only obtain new life skills
as well as improve income generation skill. The ‘Strengthening Community
Groups’ training will be held as a forum inviting local non-government
organisations and other groups to share ideas and to form networks of civil
society in the local soum.
“Rural Women Microcredit”
“Micro Credit for Rural Women in Bogd , Bayanlig, Bayangovi soums, Bayankhongor
aimag, Mongolia” aims at improving livelihood of rural women through creating
employment opportunity that would enable them to create sustainable income
Purpose of the project
By granting uncolletral credit for women with low level income and female headed households, the project aims at increasing their family income and raising their self confidence.
Credit specification
• No collateral
• Small amount
• Community members guaranty each other
• Small payoff /repayment
Project Participants
• Only in 2009, 120 women accessed the credit and 24.2 percent of them were herdsmen, 15.8 percent of them were unemployed low-income women. Eleven new jobs were created in soum as result of the business activities this year.
Our Achievements
• Number of Women involved in micro loan project doubled and businesses are getting more diverse.
• Access to e-banking
• More new businesses introduced to the community.
• Improved awareness on benefit of micro credit among community members
• Real changes in everyday life of community members started to appear
“Free of Aids Countryside”
Project “Free of AIDS-Countryside” has been implemented successfully, under the DAP, from October 2007 to May 2008 and local female population, professional doctors and nurses have gained general and specific knowledge, information about HIV/AIDS while having a medical check-up, which is rare in remote areas, and much extended informative booklets, handouts and manuals. Output of the project:
• Over 3300 women have been trained and over 2000 women and teenagers gone under medical check-up from 40 soums of 2 aimags. We have analysed carefully targeted places using updated questionnaire and interview methods that are used for AIDS awareness trainings and promotion.
• We have selected appropriate methods for the trainings based on the Project objectives and content. The interest and participation of learners were sustained, because we have provided by mixing method of lecture, lesson, small group discussions, delivering and evaluating presentations, brochures, condoms also have provided by medical services and individual consults women in need.
• For clarification, to reach more local people and into the public first we’ve conducted trainings to the hospitals and government officials so they – as being local and knowing their population – can reach to public more. Even though, we’ve conducted trainings 3 to 4 times in each soum, still there were issues for not including or not reaching for more remote population of the aimags. Therefore, by training local doctors and government officials, they can reach to the remote areas as much as possible.
• Even though, all the broadcastings were done and informed through TV, radio, NGOs, local governments and etc information about HIV/AIDS has not reached to the public carefully or it alarmed them faultily. For that reason, by reaching them by ourselves and conducting trainings, conversing, explaining and distributing booklets have helped the participants greatly to understand about this issue and express their ideas, asking questions and changing their misunderstanding.
• During our discussion with the local doctors, they have expressed their concern on the sexual health of the population due to the shyness, misunderstanding, living condition and not enough check-ups. Therefore, we think this information and some issues have to been raised from what we concluded in the first half of the Project and reflected in brochure.
• We’ve distributed questioner to the participants at the end of the each training in order to know the change of the knowledge and understanding of the AIDS/HIV from participants which was successful and helped a lot in the end of the project.
• During the medical check-up we’ve not encountered any AIDS case though STD have been quite frequent. The reasons were mostly environmentally impacted such as remote, cold condition and nomad style. Those who had STD, we have advised face-to-face, singular with professional help.
• Even though, we’ve not encountered any case of HIV, the rural population’s knowledge, information about HIV/AIDS was very limited and wrong. Therefore, we consider that these kinds of Projects are in need to be implemented in more aimags and distribution of the brochure, handouts are necessary. Therefore, FERW is trying to distribute the brochure to other project areas which requires some funding at the same time
“Women’s participation in decision making”
Overall goal of the project is to improve involvement of women in decision
making and encourage their active participation in social life that would assist
those entering central and local governments and policy making level.
“Mobile Kindergarden”
Since the introduction of the mobile kindergarten project, the kindergarten
management organized summer mobile training for children of herdsmen and
involved 45 children their parents to child development sessions last summer.
Three teachers and 3 assistant teachers worked in three townships. Supporting
small business of the kindergarten presently possess 4 cows and 2 calves, 20
goats and 15 kids. Goats produced 5 kg high quality cashmere and income earned
from a small business activities including bakery enabled the kindergarten to
improve and re-install the classroom for 20 children with necessary
For implementation of kindergarten improvement project, the micro-credit project transferred 1260000 tug rug or $900 US after bank transfer fee. Using the funding, the kindergarten manager procured out-doors toys. The kindergarten management successfully implemented mobile kindergarten and supplement bakery and supporting livestock business. Income earned from small supporting businesses, used for procurement of tables and chairs for classes.
Charity from Canada
In March 2008, Canadian citizen Naji and
Catirian’s families contributed 3000$ to the orphan children and old people who
live in nursing home. And we’ll expend it to teach means of livelihood, buy
training uniform and stationary for orphan children and so on.
- Clothes
to poor and single mothers’ children with, the children were not able to
attend school due to the lack of clothes Galuut soum, Bayankhongor aimag
- Clothes
for poor and unemployed women in Bulgan aimag
- Tomography
analysis for poor Bayarkhuu and Myagmarsuren, who are diognized to have
cancers, from Khovd and Zavkhan aimag as there were not able to pay for
the analysis. Bayarkhuu is getting better though Myagmarsuren has gone
back to home due to the body condition.
- Doctorial
equipments in rural dormitories for 5 soums, Saikhan, Selenge, Bugat,
Khangal and Lkhalgant of Bulgan aimag
- 500kg
potato seeds, 80 clothes worth for parentless children and singles parent
families in Uvurkhangai aimag and transportation cost.
- To
distribute study books and clothes for parentless 64 children in Baruun
Buren soum, Selenge aimag
To procure children’s toys and books for Yargui
Orphanage, UB.
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